
News & Updates

New Project: Bearsden Golf Club

Ahead of the 2023 golfing season we’ve worked with the committee over at Bearsden Golf Club to update their website. Check out…

New Project: Sackmaker

We have been working closely with our clients over at Sackmaker to redevelop their online store, sackmarket.co.uk, for 2023 and beyond. The…

New Project: John Scott Meat

The team here at Nexus are big fans of local produce, so the opportunity to work with John Scott Meat definitely whetted…

New Project: Foamline

Our clients over at foamline.co.uk required a new Shopify store to sell their collection of sponges and other foam related products. As…

New Project: Bathtime

Over the past few weeks our team have been hard at work migrating our client Bathtime from Cs Cart to Shopify. This…

New Project: Inspired AS

After a few weeks of working closely with the team at Inspired Architectural Solutions to design their new website, integrate a CRM,…